We went to the movies today. It was a first for the Street boys. And due to age and consequent attention shortage, Mikko was always going to be the weakest link. He did quite well for most of it, but his bulldozing tendencies could only be suppressed for so long and eventually he started roaming up and down the aisles, delighting in finds of almost-empty drinks and spilled popcorn. These treasures became his missiles, given he had quite a good posi, high up in the back. I'm not sure if the two children seated in front of us who moved seats were after a better vantage point or fed up with the falling popcorn and grunts of stubborness. Anyhow, I had to escort Mikko from the cinema when he started undressing himself (right before the final scene!). Contrary to what I thought, he actually took quite a lot of the film in, as he explains in the little clip below. And Magnus, verbalising his 4 year old thoughts, told me at bedtime: "Mum, you know what makes you knackered, or really worn out? Doing heaps of things one after the other, like a hundred million things."
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